Updated rules are now up
This was quite the project and took countless hours not only to re-write sections, but also to add new ones based on data from 2021. We are pleased to announce that the full rules are now available in both pdf and web version. The web version of the rules is mobile-friendly, which will allow staff and players to locate rules very quickly at tournaments.
Redemption Rule
The biggest addition is the new Redemption Rule. This is something we wanted to do for quite some time, but needed to test this out at various meetups before rolling it out. One of the biggest issues with the Instant Win feature was the chance that one team may not even get a turn. For this reason, we had to make a change so each team has an equal opportunity to win a game, in both Regulation and Overtime. We renamed Instant Win to Win Shot (WS) and added the Redemption Rule. While it may be rare a team matches a Win Shot, it could make for some exciting gameplay and gives each team an equal chance to win.
Going Over after getting to 21
Another positive change is the prior nitpicky rule of going over 21 on a return throw. For example, if a team reaches 21 points on their first turn, they still must toss the disc back to the starting end. In the past, if they were to accidently get points on the return throw, they would be penalized for going over and would go backwards. The new change states that once 21 points is reached exactly, that team’s turn is over and they cannot be penalized for going over on the return throw (if applicable). The remaining penalties for going over are still the same and haven’t changed, just this scenario has been updated.
Points Per Round (PPR) Rating
In 2021, we tested a Game Rating which took into account different categories of stats. After analyzing the data, we discovered that this rating system was not accurate and needed to come up with something different. This has been simplified to a scale from 0.00 to 6.00 points based on the average number of points scored per round. Not only is this an easier number to understand, but because this stat is based on total Regulation throws, teams will not be penalized when Win Shots are thrown early in a game.
As a result of this new rating system, we had to adjust the divisions, skill levels, team skill assessment, and seeding/tiebreakers, as well as implement a re-designed scorecard. For more on the new scorecards, please see the updated Scorecards page.
A few other changes to highlight
Thank you for your patience!
We wanted to roll out these updates much sooner, but also had to ensure that everything was correct. Thank you for waiting, and we are pleased to have a full version of the rules now available online for easier access.